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Children's Wellbeing

If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or mental health then initially contact their class teacher but you can also contact staff via the school office. Your class teacher will be happy to arrange a meeting with you and invite other members of staff that they feel would support the conversation. Following a meeting we will put appropriate support in place in school and signpost children and families to appropriate external services or professionals to provide support.

You may also find the following links useful with local and national information and support.

Mind works Surrey:

Mindworks Surrey is the children and young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health service for Surrey. They provide advice, help, support and treatment to children and young people and their families through a wide range of emotional wellbeing and mental health services, delivered by a large team of experienced, skilled professionals.

Surrey Family Information Service:

Signposts families to a number of services including the family information directory, information and services in Surrey and a variety of courses for parents.


Their support for parents webpage identifies that parenting can be rewarding, but also challenging. They have a parenting tips for all stages of a child’s life as well as how to deal with difficult situations.

Young Minds:

Have a strategy for 2020-2025 called ‘You Matter’ because, they want young people to know that whatever they are going through, they matter and they deserve help. They have information on their website for young people and their parents including

  • Parents’ A-Z mental health guide
  • The parents’ guide to looking after yourself
  • How to talk to your child about mental health

The Mental Health Foundation:

Provides information on a variety of topics including things that affect your mental health and getting help for your mental health -

There are a number of publications available to download for free -

Including a booklet for parents and carers wanting to know more about anxiety in children and young people -

Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families:

A variety of useful resources aimed at parents, including ‘Child in Mind’ a series of expert podcasts to help parents understand and manage child and family mental health problems including childhood anxiety, trauma and the adolescent brain.


Place2be’s vision is for all children and young people to have the support they need to build lifelong coping skills and thrive. There is a section for parents and carers providing information and signposting to other services.

Family Links:

Is a national charity whose vision is for everyone to live an emotionally healthy life. They promote an approach to life and relationships that equips and supports families to be emotionally healthy. They have a number of resources for parents in their parent’s zone

Action for 

A charity that aims to bring people together and provide ideas and practical resources. Visit their website to find their monthly calendars with daily actions aimed at promoting a sense of belonging and actions to create happiness for yourself and others. Find three things to look forward to this year or Make time to do something kind for yourself.

Hub of Hope:

A practical website to search for local agencies who you are able to contact for support with a wide variety of mental health issues.