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Ideas for non-screen activities

  • Speak to your community! Write a short letter/postcard or card to someone in your community (for example, someone in a nursing home)
  • Read out loud to someone. Remember to read with expression. 
  • Get building! You could build a Lego model or a tower of playing cards
  • Can you create your own secret code? You could use letters, numbers or pictures. Can you get someone else to try and crack it? 
  • Start a nature diary. Look out of the window each day and keep note or what you see - birds, flowers, changes in the weather and what else? 
  • Hold a photo session! What will you photograph? 
  • Build a reading den - find somewhere cosy to snuggle up and read your favourite book. 
  • Use a sock to create a puppet. Can you create a puppet show for someone? 
  • Design and make a homemade board game. Can you then play this with your family? 
  • Do something kind for someone. Can you pay them a compliment, make them something or help them with a task? 
  • Can you create a story bag? Find a bag and collect items to go in it that relate to a well-known story. If you can't find them, you could draw a picture to include. 
  • List making! Write a list of things that make you happy, things you're grateful for or things you are good at. 
  • Design and make an obstacle course at home or in the garden. How fast can you complete it? 
  • Can you invent something new? Perhaps a gadget or something to help people? Draw a picture or write a description. 
  • Keep moving! Make up a dance routine to your favourite song. 
  • Write a playscript. Can you act it out to other people? 
  • Get sketching - Find a photograph or picture of a person, place or object and sketch it.
  • Junk modelling - collect and recycle materials such as yoghurt pots, toilet rolls and boxes and see what you can create with them. 
  • Draw a map of your local area and highlight interesting landmarks. 
  • Post a postcard to your teacher - can you tell them what you have been getting up to?